- List of open source software packages or Free Tools For Linux
with linux open-source tools by 2 users
- Main Page - NECSIWiki
Wiki on Complex systems
with comp-sci reference tocheck
- Main Page - OWASP
The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is dedicated to finding and fighting the causes of insecure software
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with development security web-authoring by 5 users
- Maven - Maven
The Definitive Guide (1.0 Alpha 1) - Table Of Contents
with java maven reference
- Mental Model Musings
Systems thinking refs
with reference tocheck
- Microsoft Word Help at www.ShaunaKelly.com
Microsoft Word. Help for beginners, users, developers and managers. Formatting, bullets, numbering, and track changes. By Microsoft Word MVP Shauna Kelly.
with articles ms-word
- Object Oriented Analysis and Design
Links to books, etc
analysis design lifecycle method methodologies methodology methods model models notation object-oriented ooa ooad process techn
with system:unfiled
- Open Source Licensing
Book - Software Freedom and Intellectual Property Law
with open-source reference
- Personal MBA
List of books for self educating MBA equivalent
with book-review business tocheck
- rpbourret.com
XML consulting, writing, and research. Very good links/resources on XML
with development links reference xml
- Software Engineering Concepts Class Page at MIT
List of software engineering resources from MIT
with development tocheck
- The Maven 2 POM demystified
This article finally pins down the elusive Maven 2 POM, version
4.0, the single largest configuration file you are likely ever to
love. Readers will learn that the successful Maven 2 build system
derives much of its power and portability from the POM, and
that—despite what you may have heard—it is really not
so bad after all.
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with java maven reference tocheck tools
- The UC Berkeley/Stanford Recovery-Oriented Computing (ROC) Project
The Recovery-Oriented Computing (ROC) project is a joint Berkeley/Stanford research project that is investigating novel techniques for building highly-dependable Internet services.
with architecture reference
- Tutorials on Microformats
Tutorials on Microformats
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with articles development reference standard web-authoring
- Universal Usability
A universal design approach to web usability
with hci reference usability web-authoring
- Wikimedia Foundation
with system:unfiled by 7 users
- Wikiquote
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- Wikisource
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with system:unfiled by 7 users
- Wiktionary
Main Page - Wiktionary
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with system:unfiled by 22 users
- XML Schemas - Best Practices
with reference xml by 4 users
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