- Google Maps Mania
Google Maps Mania An unofficial Google Maps blog tracking the websites, mashups and tools being influenced by Google Maps.
with blog google mashups by 18 users
- apophenia
somewhere in-between the ALA and Google is harmony
with ala google
- FT.com / Comment & analysis / Columnists - Richard Epstein
Google in treacherous waters
Richard Epstein: Forget overflights - think implied consent James Boyle: Google commie? Google sees its mission as organizing the world’s information. That grand statement, however, contains one latent ambiguity that could shipwreck its
analysis columnists comment financial times
with google
- Google clone war rumored (and $1 microscope)
Computerworld Blogs
In today's IT Blogwatch, we look at the debate about making the Google's API an open standard. Not to mention a do-it-yourself microscope for a dollar.Let's make the Google API an open standard, whines Dave Winer. His call, which didn't fall on deaf ears, was, "An open message to Microsoft and Yahoo, and major implementors of search engines: Please clone the Google API, without t
with google
- Higher Education Insight
Why Higher Education Leaders Must Influence Google Print
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- Official Google Blog
The point of Google Print
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- SiliconValley.com
12/04/2005 | THE GOOGLEVERSE
silicon valley tech gmsv
with google
- SiliconValley.com
12/04/2005 | THE GOOGLEVERSE
silicon valley tech gmsv
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- Topix.net Weblog
The Secret Source of Google's Power Rich Skrenta
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- Wired 13.12
Who's Afraid of Google? Everyone.
with google
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