- Hashtagify.me
Search And Find The Best Twitter Hashtags - Free
in Public bookmarks with hashtags twitter by 3 users
- HooSaid.com Pagerank for People
in search engines with catalogue journalism searchengine subject tool twitter
- How Far Did Your Tweet Travel?
Tweet reach only works for small numbers unless paid (only 1500 even when paid)
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- How journalists can master Twitter (blogger’s cut)
Various useful tools for enhanced twitter used by journalists (with a UK flavour)
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- How Twitter users really CAN follow you (poor fact checking)
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- Jaiku
twitter-alike but with outgoing SMS, location support (owned by Google)
Create your own microblog and connect with your friends. Post from the Web, by SMS, or from desktop clients. Add comments, use icons, link Webfeeds. Take it with you on your phone.
in Public bookmarks with local location microblogging twitter by 19 users
- Keek - Share Quick Video Updates With Friends
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- Keepstream
Organizes tweets, status messages and web pages for presentation
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- Klear
Social Media Analytics for any user - also allows you to assert skills etc
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- LEMMETWEETTHATFORYOU - fake tweet generation tool
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- LinkBunch - Put multiple links into one
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- Mapping Online Publics » Tools
Includes data gathering, data processing, textual analysis and visualisation tools.
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- Mr. Tweet
looks through your extended network to help you build effective relationships on Twitter. Examples: Which are my followers I should be following in return? Who are the influential people I should be following?
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- Netbadges
Awards 'badges' for most influential tweets on a given theme
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- News.me
ipad or email based news tool: full, clean, continuous and ad-free stream of articles right inside the iPad app, News.me offers a fresh, uncluttered, and compelling way to get your news via the luminaries you already follow on Twitter. News.me includes a free trial and is 99 cents per week after that.
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- Now Trending | WhatTheTrend
popular twitter trends
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- Overlapr - Twitter User Comparisons
Enter two Twitter usernames to see what they have in common
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- PeerIndex
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- PeopleBrowsr
Twitter web app enabling multi-column browsing, searches and other features
in cool web services with tool twitter by 4 users
- Recent tweets with 100 favs or more
in search engines with searchengine tool twitter
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