- An Introduction to the Gauge Integral
This page gives an introduction to
the gauge integral (also known as the Henstock, Kurzweil, or generalized
Riemann integral), and compares it with the Riemann and Lebesgue
with gauge henstock integral introduction math page riemann sums
- Eric Schechter's home page
Eric Schechter's home page. Associate
Professor of Mathematics, Vanderbilt University.
Interests: nonclassical logics, constructivism,
functional analysis, axiom of choice, Henstock Kurzweil
with associate eric home math page riemann schechters sums
The American Mathematical Monthly: Vol. 66, No. 5 (May, 1959), pp. 361-375
with 1959 american math mathematical monthly riemann sums vol
- riemann.pdf (application/pdf Object)
with application math object riemann riemann.pdf sums
- RiemannIntegD.pdf (application/pdf Object)
with application math object riemann riemannintegd.pdf sums
- s7_8221.pdf (application/pdf Object)
with application math object riemann s7_8221.pdf sums
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