Do the Google Shuffle I've warned small business owners before about relying too heavily on any one source of traffic to keep their business afloat citing the fact that all it takes is one bad algorithm shift to destroy a Google-dependant site. While Google shuffles still happen every now and then, you generally don't hear about them because they're resolved fairly quickly. Nonetheless, Eric Ward addresses the issue over at Search Engine Land this week. with businessdavisjameslistreadrelyingsmallwarned
StepForth Tutorial: Blogs 101, Part 1 - Search Engine Guide Blog StepForth's Blogs 101 is a resource to provide our clients and readers with a clear concept of what a blog is, why a blog might be a positive addition to their website or marketing campaign, and how to implement, optimize and promote a blog. In Part 1 of this series I will discuss the basics of a blog and some of the necessary steps to take before starting one. with 101blogsdavisjameslistreadresourcestepforths