- Dars Records - experimental, electronic music Russian label
Dars records - music CD - idm and electronic music records label
Dars records - music CD - idm and electronic music records label
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dim records: noise, drones and more...
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- Earthmonkey "Be That Charge" 3CD/2CD available!
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- electro-music.com
View topic - The End of Common Practice
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- esc.rec.
A record label and platform for new, unknown and experimental music
Esc.rec. is a record label and platform for adventurous and experimental music.
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with experimental labels music platform record sites stuff weird
- Estrus Records
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- Fallt Publishing
Thanks For Subscribing
Fallt is an independent publishing house specialising in experimental music, fine art, design and criticism. We publish well-designed, collectable works in small, but affordable editions.
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with labels music sites stuff subscribing thanks weird
- Famous for 15mb - archive
Famous for 15mb
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with 15mb famous labels music sites stuff weird by 3 users
- FatCat Records : Network
Eclectic Brighton based record label that rose from the ashes of the famous Fatcat record shop in London. Artists include Sigur Ros, Mum, Animal Collective, Vashti Bunyan, Mice Parade, David Grubbs, The Mutts, Amandine, Max Richter, Stromba, Songs Of Green Pheasant,Crescent.
Eclectic Brighton based record label that rose from the ashes of the famous Fatcat record shop in London. Artists include Sigur Ros, Mum, Animal Collective, Vashti Bunyan, Mice Parade, David Grubbs, The Mutts, Amandine, Max Richter, Stromba, Songs Of Green Pheasant,Crescent.
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- Fire Records Splash
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- Flickr: Photos from killrockstars5rc
Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. Show off your favorite photos to the world, securely and privately show photos to your friends and family, or blog the photos you take with a cameraphone.
Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. Show off your favorite photos and videos to the world, securely and privately show content to your friends and family, or blog the photos and videos you take with a cameraphone.
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- fusetronsound.com
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- Fusion III / Home
Fusion3 : disc distribution
Fusion3 : disc distribution
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- GGOO22 : label indépendant
ggoo22.com : label indépendant produisant choa, bishop invaders, bloom, chut, plan b, growing hair, luca, quidam, sexxee tongue
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- hand to mouth media
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- Hobby Industries
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- Humanworkshop.com
Humanworkshop.com, home of artists Leisure-B, BASIC and Remus. Free mp3's by these artists as well as Label details and Sound Design portfolio.
Humanworkshop is a collective of audio professionals and music producers. We release electronic music as a label (including lots of free stuff), produce audio content (music and sound design) for games, tv and web, and write articles and tutorials in our e-zine about music production and sound design.
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- intro stuff
with intro labels music sites stuff weird
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