- IK Magazine - een uitgave van Essentials
in Public bookmarks with dutch intellectual_capital knowledge_management
- INSNA home page @insna.org
in Public bookmarks with analysis international knowledge_management networks social_network_analysis software by 3 users
- kennismanagement.startpagina.nl
Vele verwijzingen ondergebracht in enkele categorieën. Geen toelichtingen bij de verwijzingen, maar allicht bruikbaar voor iemand die snel iets wil opzoeken of van start gaan.
in Public bookmarks with knowledge_management reference spotlight by 2 users
- Kessels & Smit, The Learning Company
in Public bookmarks with change coaching cops dutch knowledge_management learning networking by 2 users
- KM Actu - management des connaissances - gestion des connaissances
Bienvenue, sur ce portail internet communautaire dédié aux problématiques du management des compétences et des connaissances. C'est un effort bénévole par et pour les visiteurs : chacun peut donc facilement participer ou commenter (voir la FAQ pour plus de détails et pour le canal RSS). Nous sommes ouverts à toutes les propositions.
in Public bookmarks with french knowledge_management
- KM Tools (Gurteen Knowledge)
in Public bookmarks with knowledge_management tools
- KM4DEV :: Articles :: News Articles
in Public bookmarks with development knowledge_management resources
- KM4DEV :: Articles :: News Articles
in Public bookmarks with development knowledge_management
- kmwiki » home
in Public bookmarks with knowledge_management wiki by 2 users
- KMWorld
in Public bookmarks with content_management for:daerts knowledge_management resources by 7 users
- Knowledge Connections Website (David Skyrme Associates)
sustainability knowledge website with content on knowledge management and sustainability including climate change, global warming - the science, the impacts and strategies
associates david environment innovation knowledge management skyrme sustainability
in Public bookmarks with intellectual_capital knowledge_management resources by 2 users
- Knowledge for Development - Knowledge Management for Organizational Capacity
in Public bookmarks with capacity_development knowledge_management world_bank
- Knowledge Management
La connaissance, en tant que produit de l'activité de l'entreprise, mais aussi que matière première de cette activité, est le point d'interrogation de cette page. Les conditions de production et d'utilisation de cet input et output constituent le champ du Knowledge Management, qui consacre la naissance de l'économie du savoir.
in Public bookmarks with economic_intelligence french knowledge_management
- Knowledge Management - Royal Tropical Institute
in Public bookmarks with development kit knowledge_management resources
- Knowledge management glossary - Knowledge Management - NeLH Specialist Library
Kennismangament kent vele termen (zoals in elk werkgebied). Op deze site kun je er heel wat terug vinden met de respectievelijke uitleg.
in Public bookmarks with glossary knowledge_management spotlight
- Knowledge Management Network and the WWW Virtual Library on Knowledge Management
in Public bookmarks with knowledge_management reference
- Knowledge Management Resource Center
in Public bookmarks with business for:daerts knowledge_management resources software
- Knowledge Management: Impact Alliance (4.2.4)
in Public bookmarks with knowledge_management resources
- Knowledge Sharing Tool Box
Op zoek naar instrumenten om kennis met elkaar te delen, dan kan deze site je zeker wat ideeen geven.
This toolbox, presents a selection of KS processes that can improve your everyday work experience with peers and partners. ,
action after assist cgiar communities facilitation fairs knowledge mentoring methods peer practice review sharing tools
in Public bookmarks with appreciative_inquiry cops facilitation knowledge_management learning participation sharing spotlight tools
in Public bookmarks with benchmarking change_management knowledge_management learning
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