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- Code libraries - Robert’s talk
Here you will find posts about news, trends and developing for internet, mainly focusing on browsers and web user interfaces.
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- Cody Lindley: Lab - Web Developer - Designer - Programmer - Boise - Idaho
Cody Lindley is a web developer living in Boise Idaho who specializes in client-side programming, website consulting, website usability, Macromedia flash, web standards, and web interaction design.
Cody Lindley is a client-side engineer (aka front-end developer) and recovering Flash developer. He has an extensive background working professionally (11+ years) with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flash, and client-side performance techniques as it pertains to web development. If he is not wielding client-side code he is likely toying with interface/interaction design, PHP, MVC framework
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- CompressorRater
Rate JavaScript Compression Utilities
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- Contact Your Guide- Stephen Chapman
Contacting your About.com Guide to Javascript
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- Contents
Eloquent JavaScript
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- Create reusable routines in JavaScript - Java World
Most JavaScript programs are constructed using common building blocks, or routines. Routines can be encapsulated into self-contained functions that are then cut and pasted between JavaScript programs. As you develop in JavaScript, you can save your routines and create a library of common functions. When you need a particular function, simply copy the function into your current project. You don't have to rewrite everything from scratch. (4,025 words)
Most JavaScript programs are constructed using common building
blocks, or routines. Routines can be encapsulated into
self-contained functions that are then cut and pasted between
JavaScript programs. As you develop in JavaScript, you can save
your routines and create a library of common functions. When you
need a particular function, simply copy the function into your
current proj
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- Creating a slideshow on your website using greybox
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- Creating and referencing external JavaScript libraries
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- Cross Browser Ajax . com
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- Css And Javascript Combined For Dynamic Layout
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- CSS Navigation Techniques (37 entries)
CSS Showcase is a gallery of css-based navigation menus, tabs and css navigation techniques. Compiled and updated by Vitaly Friedman.
CSS Showcase is a gallery of css-based navigation menus, tabs and css navigation techniques. Compiled and updated by Vitaly Friedman.
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- CSS Scrolling Content | CSS Tutorials by seco | ScriptBum.com
Here we will create a scrolling?section of a basic HTML page without the use of a iFrame. This is a very simple and customizable script. so lets start!
Here we will create a scrollingᅠsection of a basic HTML page without the use of a iFrame. This is a very simple and customizable script. so lets start!
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- Dan Grossman
Handling UTF-8 in JavaScript, PHP, and Non-UTF8 Databases
Dealing with characters outside the ASCII range on the web is tough. It's tough in other environments too, but particularly for web applications since text
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- DED|Chain™ JavaScript Library SEEMS VERY GOOD
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- Demo 1: Menu bar
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- Demos - Xopus
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- Developer Resources
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- developerWorks : Web development : Technical library view
Browse the Web development technical library view for technical articles, tutorials, and IBM Redbooks. View the list by product, title, topic, or keyword and sort your results.
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