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Deploying bandwidth-efficient Ajax applications does not guarantee that the service levels in a Service Level Agreement will stay high. No matter how well you change code in the Ajax format to make it more bandwidth efficient, there will be always risks and vulnerabilities you'll need to watch out for and mitigate. Regular developerWorks author Judith Myerson gives a brief Ajax recap, shows what Web services vulnerabilities are and why Service Level Agreements (SLA) are important, and suggests some solutions for speeding up Ajax applications.f
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TagMos is een afkorting van TagMosfeer. TagMos is een social bookmarking (sociale bookmarking) website. Hierbij kunnen gebruikers links (bookmarks of URLs of favorieten of bladwijzers) centraal opslaan door ze toe te voegen aan de site en ze categoriseren met tags (ook wel labels, categorieen, of trefwoorden genoemd). Doordat alle gebruikers dit doen, ontstaat een sociale vorm van links verzamelen. De links op de site kunnen op meerdere manieren doorzocht worden, zowel op titel en beschrijving als tags. Ook kan via de tags gebrowsed worden in de links. Daarnaast geeft TagMos ook de mogelijkheid om van bijna elke pagina een web-feed (RSS) te genereren door middel van een simpele klik op het feed icon. Dit zorgt voor een zeer handige manier om interessante...
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JavaScript, Ajax, CSS, HTML and anything else of interest to standards-loving web designers and developers.
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Javascript frameworks have exploded on the scene over the last few years but they're no replacement for a good toolbox: those little snippets of code you seem to include in every single project. Here's my list of 10 essential Javascript tools everyone should have at their fingertips!
Javascript frameworks have exploded on the scene over the last few years but they're no replacement for a good toolbox: those little snippets of code you seem to include in every single project. Here's my list of 10 essential Javascript tools everyone should have at their fingertips!
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Tetra is JavaScript/DHTML scroller tool that uses AJAX technology to update without reloading the web page, and integrates with CaRP to display RSS newsfeeds.
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- ThinWire Handbook: Layout Management | Page 3 - webreference.com
The ThinWire framework includes two layout managers that are designed for very different purposes. In this article, we discuss both layout managers in detail and wrap things up by showing you how to create your own layout manager.
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