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Handelskraft, der Blog rund um Web 2.0 und E-Commerce: 'GroupBuying im B2B-Sektor - Ist OrderWithMe das Next Big Thing?',
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- 10 best CSS hacks | StylizedWeb.com
Dejan Cancarevic web designer and programmer, css, xhtml, php, mysql, xml
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RSS readers, you can digg the post here. Digg readers, you can subscribe to the RSS feed here. I've had an idea for this kind ...
RSS readers, you can digg the post here. Digg readers, you can subscribe to the RSS feed here. I've had an idea for this kind of a list for months now, but I
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- 10 Polish startup events you need to attend | Clearcode
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- 10 Principles Of Effective Web Design | Knowledge | Smashing Magazine
Usability and the utility, not visual design, determine success or failure of a web-site. Since visitor page is only person who clicks mouse therefore decides everything, user-centric design has established as standard approach for successful
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PinoyMoneyTalk.com – Make Money Online, Stocks, Forex, Mutual Funds Philippines
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ProgrammableWeb.com keeps you up to date with web mashups and APIs: what's new, interesting, useful and important. Hundreds of mashups and APIs. Contribute, search, view, and chart them.
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- 101 CSS Techniques Of All Time- Part2
Noupe is a design weblog created by Noura Yehia who aims to inspire creativity by sharing innovative resources and websites to bloggers, freelancers and web designers.
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- 115 Social News and Bookmark Sites Ranked and Rated | Social Media Trader
Here's a collection of 115 social bookmark and news sites ranked by PageRank, number of links and value of each site.
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- 12 common programming mistakes to avoid | Geek Files
This article discusses mistakes made by most programmers. This list of mistakes has been derived from years of experience and working with developers.
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