- 404 Error Pages: Reloaded | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
Three weeks ago we’ve showcased some of the most beautiful, creative and user-friendly 404 Error Pages; collected interesting ideas one can use to help out
in Athi's > ATHIS PROJECTS > PROJ OLD BREEZE > APACHE & WEBDEVINFO with apache athis beautiful breeze projects showcased webdevinfo weeks by 3 users
- 42 Design/Tech Magazines To Read | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Regardless of what it is that you're selling, in order to remain competitive, you have know exactly, what's going on the field working in. More than - actually, happens next, which trends are coming up
Regardless of what it is that you’re selling, in order to remain competitive, you have know exactly, what’s going on the field working in. More than - actually, happens next, which trends are coming up
journal magazine
in Athi's > ATHIS PROJECTS > PROJ FREEZE with athis competitive freeze order projects regardless remain selling by 3 users
- 45 applications web 2.0 françaises | Simple Entrepreneur
Articles et news sur la création d'entreprise, les sites web 2.0 et sur le développement et le design web
Articles et news sur la création d'entreprise, les sites web 2.0 et sur le développement et le design web
2.0 création dentreprise design développement entrepreneur startup web
in Athi's > ATHIS PROJECTS > PROJ OLD BREEZE > WORLD REGIONS > WESTERN EUROPE > FRANCE > SITES with articles athis breeze europe projects regions western world
- 456 Berea Street: Articles and news on web standards, accessibility, and usability
Articles and news on web standards, accessibility, usability, and other things related to web development and web design.
Articles and news on web standards, accessibility, usability, and other things related to web development and web design.
in Athi's > WEB DEVP FOLDER(ALL ABOUT WEB) > WEB DESIGN > GOOD SITES with articles athis design devp news sites standards web by 15 users
- 484 + Ajax/Javascript/Dhtml examples and demos to download
Visit the library of ajax, DHTML, php, and .net codes and find the interesting dhtml, ajax, java script examples. Get the collection of ajax scripts.
With a diverse collection of Ajax examples, javascripts, jQuery plugins, web2 codes and demos from around the web, Ajaxrain gives you the perfect start to web development
2.0 ajax applications demos dhtml javascript jquery php plugin programming remote scripting scripts services web what xml
in Athi's > WEB DEVP FOLDER(ALL ABOUT WEB) > JAVASCRIPT and AJAX > ARTICLES & TUT with ajax articles athis devp javascript tut visit web by 10 users
- 49things about Web2.0 startups, social marketing and branding
December 2007
in Athi's > ATHIS PROJECTS > PROJ OLD BREEZE > WORLD REGIONS > WESTERN EUROPE > SWEDEN > Swe_Feeds with athis breeze december europe projects regions western world
- 4Q, an Avinash Kaushik and iPerceptions collaboration - free simple survey solution
4Q is a free website survey solution. An Avinash Kaushik and iPerceptions collaboration. Listen to the voice of your customers.
in Athi's > ATHIS PROJECTS > PROJ OLD BREEZE > TESTING TOOLS > WEBMASTER TOOLS with athis breeze free projects testing tools webmaster website by 2 users
- 4WebHelp - Configuring PHP in a shared hosting environment
Change those PHP settings yourself, without having them changed for the whole server
in Athi's > ATHIS PROJECTS > PROJ OLD BREEZE > APACHE & WEBDEVINFO with apache athis breeze changed php projects settings webdevinfo
- 5 Essential Mobile Web Apps - ReadWriteWeb
digg_url = 'http://digg.com/gadgets/5_Essential_Mobile_Web_Apps'; digg_bgcolor = '#ffffff'; digg_skin = 'compact'; This week we ran a contest asking you to tell us your favorite Mobile Web apps. We got ...
in Athi's > ATHIS PROJECTS > PROJ OLD BREEZE > WORLD REGIONS > MAIN PAGE > Web2.0 (WHOLE) > BLOGGEDWeb2Blgs with athis breeze digg_url main page projects regions world
- 5 Kick-Ass Reminder Services
in Athi's > TOOLBOX > PRODUCTIVITY with athis productivity toolbox
- 5 Tips For Faster Loading Web Sites
Tips for web site speed optimization on your web server. Optimize page load time.
in Athi's > ATHIS PROJECTS > PROJ OLD BREEZE > IMP ARTICLES > OPTIMIZING SPEED with articles athis breeze imp optimizing projects speed tips
- 50 AJAX efects to jazz up your sites | Nobox Media
list contains 50 AJAX effects you could implement to one of your sites. Effects are great, but use theme wisely. It's very easy to turn a good script/effect into a annoying chunk of cheese.
in Athi's > ATHIS PROJECTS > PROJ OLD BREEZE > DESIGNTOOLS > FORMS > TOOLS with ajax athis breeze contains designtools forms list projects
- 50 Great Widgets For Your Blog
Widgets are a handy, easy and simple way to add some flare to your blog. Whether you'd like to display ...
in Athi's > BLOGGING > TOOLS with add athis blogging display flare handy tools widgets by 8 users
- 50 Matches Searches Digg and Del.icio.us for You
50 matches is a social search engine of sorts, as it's going directly for the social bookmarking angle to finding ...
50 matches is a social search engine of sorts, as it's going directly for the social bookmarking angle to finding the most relevant links for items you
in Athi's > WEB DEVP FOLDER(ALL ABOUT WEB) > WEB 2.0 with 2.0 athis devp engine matches search social web
- 50 Matches.com | Best Search Results for web2.0
50 Matches.com | Best Search Results for web2.0 and web2.0 related content.
in Athi's > ATHIS PROJECTS > PROJ OLD BREEZE > WORLD REGIONS > MAIN PAGE > Web2.0 (WHOLE) with athis breeze main page projects regions search world
- 50 More Beautiful Blogger Templates
Are you tired of looking at the default 16 templates that Blogger provides? We decided to search for some of ...
in Athi's > BLOGGING > TOOLS with athis blogger blogging decided search templates tired tools by 14 users
- 50 Questions to Evaluate the Quality of Your Website
I know, it has been a while since my last post, but I was crazy busy. I have something else ...
in Athi's > ATHIS PROJECTS > PROJ OLD BREEZE > IMP ARTICLES > SEO with articles athis breeze imp last post projects seo by 3 users
- 50 Sports USE BLOGSocial Networking Websites by Jason Peck
in Athi's > ATHIS PROJECTS > PROJ OLD BREEZE > WORLD REGIONS > MAIN PAGE > Health Environ 2.0 with athis breeze main page projects regions sports world
- 50+ Amazing Jquery Examples- Part1
Noupe is a design weblog created to inspire creativity by sharing innovative resources and websites to bloggers, freelancers and web designers.
in Athi's > ATHIS PROJECTS > PROJ FREEZE with athis created design freeze inspire noupe projects weblog by 9 users
- 50+ Google Reader Extensions and Scripts For Firefox
Don't get us wrong, Google Reader is our favorite feedreader. But sometimes, we just wish it was a little...better. Here ...
in Athi's > TOOLBOX > GENERAL TOOLS with athis favorite general google reader toolbox tools wrong by 8 users
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