- nsswitch.conf(5)
Linux man page
with manpage nss
- Observatorio de Neutralidad Tecnológica
with system:unfiled
- ONLamp.com
LDAP Server Administration with GOsa
with gosa
- ONLamp.com
Building an Address Book with OpenLDAP
Dustin Puryear demonstrates how to build and populate a company-wide LDAP address book.
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with ldap ldap_resources ldaplinks by 2 users
- Ophcrack
with curssamba curssamba_sessio5_wikipedia samba
with tutoria
- Però això.... és legal? | guifi.net
with faq_guifi.net guifi.net wifi
- Presentació per als Ajuntaments i entitats locals | guifi.net
with faq_guifi.net guifi.net wifi
- Profes.net
with tutorials
- Què és guifi.net? | guifi.net
with faq_guifi.net guifi.net wifi
- Rainbow table
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
with curssamba curssamba_sessio5_wikipedia samba by 2 users
- Real decreto 939/2003 que estableix el titol del cicles formatiu d'Explotació de Sistemes Informàtics
with opos opos_biblio
- Recursos per a l'orientació
with tutoria
- RimuHosting
Linux/Xen VPS Hosting | Tomcat JSP Hosting | JBoss J2EE Hosting
RimuHosting provide fast, reliable Linux VPS and dedicated servers. Their servers are a great fit for sites running on Java, Ruby on Rails or exotic setups like nodejs, django, Erlang or you name it.
with hosting ubuntuserver
- RSS Parsing Programs
RSS Workshop
Comprehensive list of Java, CMS, ASP, Javascript, PHP, Python, and Perl scripts and programs for aggregating and parsing RSS channel feeds.
blogging news rss syndication weblogging
with rss by 2 users
- RSS Tools (RSS Info)
The RSS format allows quick and easy syndication of news, headlines, and more. RSS Info will keep you up to date with the latest news, tools, resources and developments of this widely supported specification.
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with rss
- Samba a la wiki del curs
with curssamba docscurssamba documentació samba wikisergi
- SASL: Simple Authentication and Security Layer
with ldap sasl by 2 users
- Server Message Block - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Server Message Block
with curssamba curssamba_sessio5_wikipedia
- Soberanía y Revolución Tecnológica en Venezuela » Archivo del weblog » Debian Etch + LDAP + SSL + GoSA
with gosa
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