Introns and Exons A theoretical basis for introns as an adaptation for
error-correction, by providing safe-haven for the stem-loop potential needed to initiate
recombination repair. Genes under strong positive selection pressure provide supporting
evidence for the predicted conflict between the 'desire' of a sequence to encode both a
protein and stem-loop potential. The conflict is resolved by moving stem-loop potential
to introns. This approach permits evaluation of positive Darwinian selection using only a single
sequence. A theoretical basis for introns as an adaptation forerror-correction, by providing safe-haven for the stem-loop potential needed to initiaterecombination repair. Genes under strong positive selection pressure provide supportingevidence for the predicted conflict between the 'desire' of a sequence to encode both aprotein and stem-loop potential. The conflict is resolved by moving st correctiondnaerror-correctionexonsgenesin-parallelin-seriesintronsmajormhcpotentialrecombinationstem-loop with adaptationbasiserror-correctionintronsmeltdnasafe-havenstem-looptheoretical