- hnb - hierarchical notebook
Terminal program for hierarchical lists & notes; saves in XML but can export to ASCII or HTML.
in Computers & Electronics with commandline editor lightweight linux notes software
- How to change your username
in Computers & Electronics with commandline howto linux simpy_bookmarks ubuntu
- How to compress to multiple-part .rar in Linux/UNIX
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- How to Disable SELinux
An easy guide to temporarily halting SELinux or permanently putting it into either warning-only mode or disabling it.
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- How to format a hard drive from the command line
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- How to install IPK files (packages) on a Zaurus and troubleshoot problems with them.
Covers finding compatible IPKs, package feeds, using the console to install, checking dependencies, and you name it.
in Computers & Electronics with commandline howto troubleshooting zaurus
- How to use fstab
in Computers & Electronics with commandline disks drives linux management by 4 users
- How to use yum or an RPM -- Unofficial Fedora FAQ
How to configure a system to use the massive RPMFusion repository, then how to install/update apps with the GUI or from the commandline.
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- HowTo: Terminal transparent over desktop in GNOME
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- Howto: Use rtorrent like a pro
Notes by a low-end/ancient computer blogger on using the commandline BitTorrent client "rtorrent" both at the most basic level, and how to customize it so it does much fancier stuff.
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- Install Missing Ubuntu PPA GPG Keys With One Command!
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- Intro To The Command-Line
Free manual written by the FLOSSManuals Team.
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- Lightweight Linux software - Appropedia: The sustainability wiki
Useful, descriptive list of programs recommended for a lightweight, fast, easy-to-use Linux setup... Covers both GUI & commandline apps, as well as desktop components like window managers, menus, etc.
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- Lightweight Linux's Favorite Software
Great descriptive list of lightweight (mostly) console/commandline and graphical Linux programs.
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- Linux *Self Help* -- "Need help with Linux? Help yourself!"
Large site covering just about every topic you could need help with from choosing a distro & environment onwards, quick-start guides, a Linux terms dictionary, and discussion forum.
A Linux Help site providing categorized and searchable Linux Help files, Linux Howtos, Linux Man pages and Linux Forums for the Linux community.
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- Linux bash Quick Reference
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- Linux-Unix Cheat Sheets - The Ultimate Collection
"This is a compilation of approx 70 cheat sheets for Linux users. There are a grip load of commands that Linux users have at hand which can seem very daunting to a novice. This collection will make Linux just a little less of a headache to learn."
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- mkdiskimage
script for writing bootable USB keys in USB-ZIP mode
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- MOC - music on console
console audio player for Linux/UNIX
in Computers & Electronics with commandline linux music software by 2 users
- Monitoring Hard Drive Health on Linux with smartmontools
Modern hard drives come with a special self-testing ability called SMART -- this detailed guide shows how to acquire & use the command-line "smartmontools" to check it.
in Computers & Electronics with commandline diagnostics drives hardware howto linux reference software troubleshooting by 2 users
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