- DCC Metadata
DCC Digital Curation Center. Digital Curation Manual Instalments. Metadata. Michael Day. 2007
in Public bookmarks with [en] classification concept dlm drt metadata metadaten oais records_management rm standards taxonomy by 2 users
- DCC: DIFFUSE Dissemination of InFormal and Formal Useful Specifications and Experiences
DIFFUSE, jetzt bei DCC (diffuse.org ist seit 2003 "weg" und die Sammlung war auch schon wesentlich vollständiger). Übersicht zu einigen Standards im Umfeld von Dokumentation, Archivierung, Records Management, Business Process Management, Metadaten etc.
in Public bookmarks with [en] archivierung archiving bpm business_process_management dlm document_management document_related_technologies dokumentenmanagement drt imaging iso metadaten preservation records_management standards by 2 users
- Deep Dive into the SharePoint Content Deployment and Migration API - Part 1
Interface für Sharepoint
in Public bookmarks with [en] collaboration concept document_related_technologies microsoft portal standards wcm web by 2 users
- Deep Dive into the SharePoint Content Deployment and Migration API - Part 2
Interface für Microsoft Sharepoint
in Public bookmarks with [en] collaboration concept document_related_technologies microsoft portal standards wcm web by 3 users
- Deep Dive into the SharePoint Content Deployment and Migration API - Part 3
Interface für Microsoft Sharepoint
in Public bookmarks with [en] collaboration concept document_related_technologies microsoft portal standards wcm web by 2 users
- Deep Dive into the SharePoint Content Deployment and Migration API - Part 4
Interface für Microsoft Sharepoint
in Public bookmarks with [en] collaboration concept document_related_technologies microsoft portal standards wcm web by 2 users
- Der kurioese Bibliotheksbote worinnen zu finden sind allerley newe Zeitungen
Das Blog "netbib weblog" hat den Schwerpunkt Bibliotheken, adressiert aber auch Archive und andere verwandte Themen. Das Blog wird von rund einem Dutzend Autoren betrieben ·
berufsbild bibliothek bibliothekar schulbibliothek spezialbibliothek sta stadtbibliothek urheberrecht veranstaltung öffentliche
in Public bookmarks with [de] archivierung archiving blog content_management itc-market library markt metadaten preservation records_management standards trends by 2 users
- DIAS Digital Information Archiving System
IBM Implementierung des OAIS (ISO 14721); zuerst in den Niederlanden, später als Kopal in Deutschland
in Public bookmarks with [en] archivierung archiving dias iso preservation records_management standards by 2 users
- Digital Preservation (Library of Congress)
Richtlinien der LoC für die Langzeitaufbewahrung von Büchern
The Library of Congress and its digital preservation partners from the federal, library, creative, publishing, technology, and copyright communities are working to develop a national strategy to collect, archive, and preserve digital content.
in Public bookmarks with [en] archivierung archiving metadaten preservation records_management standards by 6 users
- Digital Preservation Coalition
DPC - Zusammenschluss von Organisationen zum Thema Langzeitarchivierung
in Public bookmarks with [en] archivierung archiving dpc metadaten preservation standards verband by 2 users
- Digital Preservation: Architecture and Technology for Trusted Digital Repositories
Artikel von Ronald Jantz und Michael J. Giarlo; Juni 2005
in Public bookmarks with [en] archivierung archiving article library preservation standards by 2 users
- DIN befürwortet Microsofts Dokumentenformat :: Wer genug Geld hat...
Diskussion um Microsofts OfficeFormat und die DIN Empfehlung auf Golem.de-Forum
in Public bookmarks with [de] document_management document_related_technologies dokumentenmanagement iso markt microsoft standards by 2 users
- Diskussion: Elektronische Signatur - Wikipedia
Diskussion auf Wikipedia.de zum Thema Elektronische Signatur: verschiedene Verfahren - qualifizierte vs. fortgeschrittene Signatur - Nachsignieren - etc.
in Public bookmarks with [de] archivierung archiving compliance digital_signature document_related_technologies drt elektronische_signatur standards wikipedia by 2 users
- DITA World - Comprehensive List of DITA Resources
Verzeichnis mit Ressourcen zu Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA)
in Public bookmarks with [en] dita document_related_technologies drt standards xml by 2 users
- DLM Forum & MoReq2: DLM Forum Meeting Slovenia Presentations
Vorträge auf der DLM Forum Konferenz in Ljubliana, Slowenien, April 2008
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim conference dlm dlm-forum moreq moreq2 presentation preservation records_management standards by 2 users
- DLM Network
Facilitator of the DLM-Forum of the European Commission and the European National Archives; MoReq Standard, DLM Forum Conference - DLM = Document Lifecycle Management
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim archivierung archiving dlm ecm kampffmeyer preservation records_management standards verband by 2 users
- DLM-FORUM Konferenz 2005
Proceedings der DLM Forum Konferenz in Budapest 2005; siehe auch www.dlm-network.org
in Public bookmarks with [en] archivierung archiving conference dlm document_management document_related_technologies dokumentenmanagement drt kampffmeyer preservation records_management standards trends verband by 2 users
- DoD 5015.2-STD
DoD Department of Defense "Design Criteria Standard for Electronic Records Management Software Applications," 6/19/2002
in Public bookmarks with [en] archivierung archiving compliance dod ecm records_management standards
- DoD 5015.2-STD
DoD Department of Defense "Design Criteria Standard for Electronic Records Management Software Applications," 6/19/2002
in Public bookmarks with [en] archivierung archiving compliance dod ecm enterprise_content_management records_management rm standards by 2 users
- DOMEA, MoReq & der praktische Nutzen
Veranstaltungswebseite des Bundesarchivs zur Tagung am 05.06.2008 in Koblenz mit Vorträgen zu ISO 15489, MoReq2, DOMEA und anderen Themen (Download-Möglichkeit)
in Public bookmarks with [de] archivierung domea moreq moreq2 preservation records-management standards by 2 users
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