- [DE] PROJECT CONSULT Unternehmensberatung Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer GmbH
Unabhängige, neutrale Beratung zu allen Themen von ECM Enterprise Content Management, Archivierung, Records Management, Dokumentenmanagement, Business Process Management, Portalen, Collaboration, Enterprise 2.0, Wissensmanagement, Information Lifecycle Management usw. Geschäftsführer ist Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer
in Public bookmarks with [de] archivierung beratung consulting dms dms-beratung document-related-technologies drt ecm enterprise-content-management kampffmeyer neutral newsletter project-consult records-management trends ulrich_kampffmeyer unabhängig unternehmensberatung wissensmanagement by 2 users
- [DE] Rückblick auf die DMS EXPO 2009 | Gruppe "Information & Document Management" auf XING
Die Daten der diesjährigen Messe (16.000 in 2009 statt 19.000 Besucher in 2008 sowie 309 in 2009 statt 362 Aussteller in 2008) lassen einen gewissen Niedergang erkennen, der allerdings zum Teil auch durch die Wirtschaftskrise bedingt ist. Neue Themen wie Enterprise 2.0 haben auf der DMS EXPO noch nicht richtig gezündet
in Public bookmarks with 2.0 [de] conference dms dmsexpo e2.0 ecm enterprise-content-management markt trends by 2 users
- [DE] Schlagabtausch | In der Diskussion | PROJECT CONSULT Newsletter 20080930
Mitschrift des Streitgesprächs zwischen Bernhard Zöller und Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer am 9.9.2008 in Neustadt/Wied zu den Themen MoReq2, Konsolidierung im ECM-Markt und anderen. Die Diskussion ist auch vollständig als Video-Aufzeichnung verfügbar
in Public bookmarks with [de] archiving document_management document_related_technologies dokumentenmanagement drt ecm ecm2.0 ecms enterprise-content-management kampffmeyer markt moreq moreq2 preservation project-consult records-management rm standards trends by 2 users
- [DE] Schlagabtausch | PROJECT CONSULT Newsletter 20080930
Transkript der Diskussion zwischen Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer und Bernhard Zöller zu den Themen MoReq2, Konsolidierung und Entwicklung des ECM-Marktes | SER | 09.09.2008 | Videoaufzeichnung: http://www.ser.de/doxis4/webtv.cfm
in Public bookmarks with [de] diskussion dlm dlm-forum ecm kampffmeyer konsolidierung kritik moreq moreq2 newsletter project-consult records-management zöller by 2 users
- [DE] Sieben führende ECM Anbieter aus Deutschland formieren sich zur ECM Allianz
Pressemitteilung | 14.09.2009
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- [DE] Und der Blutdruck steigt: Warum E-Mail Management doch eine Notwendigkeit ist, auch wegen Compliance
Und der Blutdruck steigt: Warum E-Mail Management doch eine Notwendigkeit ist, auch wegen Compliance | Stefan Pfeiffer | IBM ECM Blog | 25.01.2009
in Public bookmarks with [de] archivierung blog compliance ecm email ibm by 2 users
- [DE] Vom Wert der Information | Keynote DMS Expo 2005 | doXtop
"Vom Wert der Information" - ein immer noch relevanter Beitrag oder sogar ein immer wichtigerer Aspekt des Informationsmanagements. Vortrag von Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer, Mitschrift und Folien
in Public bookmarks with [de] archivierung archiving artikel_kff dms dmsexpo ecm information kampffmeyer presentation preservation project-consult trends ulrich_kampffmeyer wert wissensmanagement by 2 users
- [DE] Von ECM Enterprise Content Management zu EIM Enterprise Information Management | Diskussion auf Contentmanager.de
Diskussion zum Thema von ECM zu EIM auf Contentmanager. de | siehe auch http://www.documanager.de/community/forum/21/108/all.html , https://www.xing.com/net/informationlifecyclemanagement/document-related-technologies-1055/de-eim-eine-weitere-blubberblase-am-it-abklurzungshimmel-26305499/
in Public bookmarks with [de] artikel_kff blog diskussion ecm eim enterprise-content-management enterprise-information-management kampffmeyer by 2 users
- [DE] Wer nichts weiss, weiss zu wenig! | ECM Allianz Deutschland | Broschüre "ECM jetzt!"
Broschüre der Initiative "ECM jetzt!" der ECM Allianz Deutschland (Easy, ELO, dvelop, Optimal Systems, Saperion, SER, Windream) vom September 2009
in Public bookmarks with [de] allianz article doxtop dvelop easy ecm ecms elo enterprise-content-management optimal-systems saperion ser windream by 2 users
- [DE] Wissensmanagement & Enterprise Content Management: zwei Seiten der gleichen Medaille?
Wissensmanagement & Enterprise Content Management: zwei Seiten der gleichen Medaille? | Interview von Christoph Hus, HP Unternehmermagazins Blue Line, mit Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer, Geschäftsführer der PROJECT CONSULT Unternehmensberatung GmbH, August 2008
in Public bookmarks with [de] ecm enterprise-content-management interview kampffmeyer knowledge_management markt project-consult trends ulrich_kampffmeyer wissensmanagement by 2 users
- [EN] „Information & Document Management“ Newsletter February 2010
Newsletter of the XING Group "Information & Document Management" February 2010 by Paul Caspers
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- [EN] [DE] Enterprise Content Management | Group | Scribd
Group "Enterprise Content Management" on Scribd.com
in Public bookmarks with [en] article ecm ecms enterprise-content-management kampffmeyer social_software socialsoftware by 2 users
- [EN] 10 questions to spot a real ECM expert
10 questions to spot a real ECM expert | George Parapadakis | www.Informationzen.org | July 24, 2009
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim consulting ecm education enterprise_content_management fun by 2 users
- [EN] 10 Year Anniversary of the term ECM Enterprise Content Management
www.Informationzen.org | September 2009
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim ecm ecms enterprise-content-management enterprise_content_management history kampffmeyer by 2 users
- [EN] 17 presentations about ECM, ERM a.s.o. by AIIM
John Mancini, AIIM: 17 presentations to watch | July 2009
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim cms dms document dokumentenmanagement ecm enterprise-content-management management mancini presentation preservation records-management rm trends by 2 users
- [EN] 8 Reasons Why GoogleWave May (or May Not) Kill E-Mail | AIIM
Claude Baudoin | 8 Reasons Why GoogleWave May (or May Not) Kill E-Mail | AIIM | Digital Landfill | 30.11.2009 | 1 – Google Wave does away with communication and collaboration silos. | 2 – Persistence. | 3 – Gadgets. | 4 – Wave is social. | 5 – Wave is complex. | 6 – Security and confidentiality concerns. | 7 – You don’t need Wave to kill e-mail! | 8 – Old habits die hard. || See as well George Parapadakis "Google Wave killed the ECM Star"
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim collaboration ecm email google markt trends wave by 2 users
- [EN] 8 reasons you need a strategy for managing information | AIIM
8 reasons you need a strategy for managing information - before it is too late | AIIM | John Mancini | document management records management email management ECM E 2.0 collaboration scanning imaging | AIIM Book, 95 pages. | 1. A tidal wave of information 2. Ubiquitous computing 3. Social everything 4. Collaboration without governance is a disaster 5. The era of simplicity 6. The Tree-Hugger's Time Has Come 7. You can no longer do this manually 8. Mismanagement risks are rising
in Public bookmarks with 2.0 8 [en] aiim collaboration document_management e ecm email enterprise_2.0 enterprise_content_management information management managing mancini need reasons records_management scanning strategy by 2 users
- [EN] 8 Responses to 8 things to consider when looking at ECM consultants
"8 Responses to 8 things to consider when looking at ECM consultants" by Sanooj Kutty, July 29, 2009 (original post by John Klein July 28, 200 on http://aiim.typepad.com/aiim_blog/2009/07/8-things-to-consider-when-looking-at-ecm-consultants.html by AIIM)
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim blog consulting ecm enterprise-content-management project_management by 2 users
- [EN] 8 Things you need to know about developing an ECM Information Architecture | AIIM
Michael Elkins | 8 Things you need to know about developing an ECM Information Architecture | 26.08.2009 | Information is our most important corporate asset, but the value of that information can only be realized if users can quickly find and use it. All too often, companies are handcuffed by numerous departmental or standalone content management systems, each with unique or incomplete information architectures.
in Public bookmarks with [en] aaim ecm ecms enterprise-content-management by 2 users
- [EN] 8 Things You Need to Know to Build an ECM Strategy | AIIM
Chris Walker | Eight Things You Need to Know to Build an ECM Strategy | AIIM | Digital Landfill | 14.06.2009 | In my opinion the single most important element to building a strategy is commitment. I’m talking about the type of commitment you make when you jump out of a plane. Not that I’m suggesting ECM is like skydiving; if skydiving goes wrong the pain doesn’t last.
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim ecm enterprise-content-management strategy by 2 users
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