- dtSearch
The dtSearch product line can instantly search terabytes of text across a desktop, network, Internet or Intranet site. The desktop search ability is very powerful, allthough the interface comes across as quite oldfashioned. Suggest you try one of the free alternatives before investing in this software.
dtSearch - The Smart Choice for Text Retrieval since 1991.
access database document dtsearch engine enterprise excel html microsoft net office outl pdf retrieval search text web word xml
with search by 2 users
- X1 Desktop Edition
X1 Desktop Edition is centered around user-managed content stored on a desktop PC or shared network file location. From X1's logical, intuitive interface, users see a single window that finds, displays, and acts on exactly the information they need when they need it.
X1 delivers enterprise search solutions that allow knowledge workers to find, preview, and act upon data from a single interface.
application desktop ediscovery email enterprise search
with search by 3 users
- Enfish
Combines search, browssing, e-mail and PIM in one single interface.
with pim search by 3 users
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