- sozlog » Kultur&Kommunikation
in 1_planning, marketing, werbung with kommunikation kultur marketing planning sozlog werbung
- Steve Ellis : The niche shall inherit the earth
ComScore reckons Google is losing its lustre.
Apparently Facebook frenzy has topped out and is slip sliding downhill.
While investor Roger Ehrenberg worries about the lack of a strategy for monetization of audiences in social networks.
in 1_planning, marketing, werbung with comscore google losing lustre marketing planning reckons werbung by 2 users
- Studien und Publikationen
in 1_planning, marketing, werbung with marketing planning publikationen studien und werbung
- TED | Talks | Jonathan Harris: The Web's secret stories (video)
TED Talks <p><a href="/index.php/speakers/view/id/125" target="_blank">Jonathan Harris</a> wants to make sense of the infinite world on the Web -- so he builds dazzling graphic interfaces that help us visualize the data floating around out there. Here he presents "We Feel Fine," a project that scours blogs to collect the planet's emoti(c)ons, and the "Yahoo! Time Capsule," which preserves images, quotes and thoughts snapped up in 2006. And he premieres "Universe," which presents current events as constellations of words -- a tag cloud of our collective consciousness.</p>
in 1_planning, marketing, werbung with href marketing planning speakers talks ted view werbung by 2 users
- TED | Talks | Jonathan Harris: The Web's secret stories (video)
TED Talks <p><a href="/index.php/speakers/view/id/125" target="_blank">Jonathan Harris</a> wants to make sense of the infinite world on the Web -- so he builds dazzling graphic interfaces that help us visualize the data floating around out there. Here he presents "We Feel Fine," a project that scours blogs to collect the planet's emoti(c)ons, and the "Yahoo! Time Capsule," which preserves images, quotes and thoughts snapped up in 2006. And he premieres "Universe," which presents current events as constellations of words -- a tag cloud of our collective consciousness.</p>
in 1_planning, marketing, werbung with href marketing planning speakers talks ted view werbung by 2 users
- the fruits of imagination
in 1_planning, marketing, werbung with fruits imagination marketing planning werbung
- the fruits of imagination
Transmedia planning & brand communities
in 1_planning, marketing, werbung with brand communities marketing planning transmedia werbung
- Themenblog
Kommunikation 2.0
in 1_planning, marketing, werbung with 2.0 kommunikation marketing planning werbung
- TP: Der intelligente Einkaufswagen
in 1_planning, marketing, werbung with der einkaufswagen intelligente marketing planning werbung
- Universe / by Jonathan Harris
An interactive study of modern mythology, using global news data from Daylife
An interactive study of modern mythology, using global news data from Daylife
10x10 constellations daylife design feel fine harris in jon jonathan mythology number number27 ten tenbyten universe wordcount
in 1_planning, marketing, werbung with global interactive marketing modern mythology planning study werbung by 8 users
- Verlagsgruppe Milchstrasse
in 1_planning, marketing, werbung > verlage with marketing milchstrasse planning verlage verlagsgruppe werbung
- Werbeblogger - Weblog über Marketing, Werbung und PR » Blog Archiv » Laser-Graffiti
Deutsches Weblog ueber Marketing, Werbung und PR
in 1_planning, marketing, werbung with deutsches marketing planning ueber und weblog werbung
- Wie Werbung wirkt (Christian Scheier & Dirk Held) @ Markenlexikon.com - Markenwissen von A bis Z!
Wie Werbung wirkt von Christian Scheier & Dirk Held (2006) über Erkenntnisse des Neuromarketing @ Markenlexikon.com: Neuronen, Hirnscanner, klassische Marktforschung, Hemisphären-Modell, Hemisphärenmodell, Gehirn, Markenlogos, Sekundenkommunikation, Homo Oeconomicus, implizite Signale, Codes, Motive, Unbewussten, Hirnforschung, Pilot, Autopilot, Bedeutungsträger, Sprache, Geschichten, Symbole, Sensuales, sensuale Codes, Grundmotive, Motivsysteme, Trait-Produkte, State-Produkte, Verfassungen, Markennetzwerk, Markenkern, Information Overload, Low Involvement, Desinteresse, Code-Management, Code-Management-Prozess, Produkt-Audit, Marken-Audit, Wettbewerbs-Audit, Code Toolbox, Code-Toolbox
in 1_planning, marketing, werbung with christian marketing planning scheier von werbung wie wirkt
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