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- Quark VS InDesign
The Authority for News & Opinion on the War of the Desktop Publishing Giants QuarkXPress and Adobe InDesign — Design and editorial, often played against one another by their disparate layout and word processing software, finally have common ground, an equalizer, in InDesign CS3 and InCopy CS3. In this excerpt from the new book <em>Mastering InDesign CS3 for Print Design and Production</em>, author Pariah S. Burke will help designers establish an effective, efficient collaboration workflow with editorial, one that can virtually eliminate the need for designers to effect copy edits and proof after proof after proof.
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- Record shop chain Fopp closes | News | NME.COM
Record shop chain Fopp closes - Music shop shuts its doors after 25 years
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- Redlands Bust
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- Reporters sans frontières
Annual Worldwide Press Freedom Index - 2006
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- Robert Knoth
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Robert Niles, of Pasadena, California, edits grassroots journalism sites on theme parks and classical music, as well as online tutorials about statistics and journalism research.
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Rock's Backpages: Explore rock music history with the ultimate library of rock reviews and journalism. 8,000+ rock interviews and features from the world's best music writers and critics, from the late 1950s to the present day. Read the best rock articles here.
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Moscow Must Investigate Police Violence at Memorial for Slain Journalist (Human Rights Watch, 18-10-2006)
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- Russia Goes on an Ugly Binge - Newsweek: International Editions - MSNBC.com
The country goes on a neonationalist binge, apparently with the Kremlin's blessing. The question is, why?
The country goes on a neonationalist binge, apparently with the Kremlin's blessing. The question is, why?
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- Russia: Murder of Journalist Anna Politkovskaya
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- Russia's slow death of freedom - The Boston Globe
ANNA POLITKOVSKAYA, the 48-year-old woman shot dead in the elevator of her apartment building in Moscow Oct. 7, was not a public official, a member of parliament, or a leader of an opposition party. But in the eyes of many people, the murder of this fearless journalist has become a symbol of the slow death of freedom in Russia -- ...
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- Russian Federation: Amnesty International condemns murder of human rights journalist Anna Politkovskaya - news.amnesty - Amn...
Amnesty International is shocked, saddened and deeply angered by the murder of Anna Politkovskaya, Russian human rights defender and journalist.
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- Russian Federation: Racism and xenophobia rife in Russian society - Amnesty International
Amnesty International (AI) is a worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognized human rights.
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