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  • Hebrew Bible
    Illuminated Hebrew Bible (Pentateuch and Hagiographa) with full Tiberian vocalisation and cantillation (gaʿya is rare; rafe occurs over quiescent he and alef), masora parva and magna (often in the form of micrographic geometric designs, flora and even fauna).
    with facsimile hebrew ot
  • Nash Papyrus
    The Nash Papyrus is a second-century BCE fragment containing the text of the Ten Commandments followed by the Šemaʿ. Prior to the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls it was the oldest known manuscript containing a text from the Hebrew Bible.
    with facsimile hebrew manuscript
  • The Aleppo Codex
    The Aleppo Codex Online facsimile.
    with facsimile hebrew ot
  • The Aleppo Codex Site
    An amazing online facsimilie where one can study the text in detail with a magnifier. Can also see it in a PDF version. Also much information on the history of the Hebrew Bible in general.
    with mss ot
  • The Great Isaiah Scroll
    The online facsimile of ghe Great Isaiah Scroll
    with facsimile hebrew isaiah
  • The Penn/Cambridge Genizah Fragment Project
    In 2000, the Penn Library and the Taylor-Schechtor Genizah Research Unit of the Cambridge University Library began planning for a collaborative effort to reunite virtually the dispersed fragments from the Cairo Genizah. Thanks to a generous gift from Mr. Jeffrey Keil, Penn alumnus and member of the Penn Library's Board of Overseers, this collaborative effort has led to the creation of a pilot web site that displays, for the first time, selected holdings of two distinct institutions. Web technologies are well suited to reuniting dispersed corpora, and we see our project as complementary to similar projects involving collections of papyri held by several North American universities. Documents from the Cairo Genizah date from the 9th through through the
    with hebrew mss
  • Great Isaiah Scroll
    Photocopies of the Isaiah Scroll from Quomran.
    with dss hebrew
  • [Bíblia], [Cervera], [1299-1300] - Biblioteca Nacional Digital
    [Bíblia] [Manuscrito] / [texto bíblico copiado por] Samuel ben Abraham ibn Nathan e Josué ben Abraham ibn Gaon para a «massorah» ; iluminado por Joseph Asarfati. - Cervera [1299-1300]. - [451] f. (2 colunas, 31 linhas), enc. : perg., iluminuras a cores e ouro ; 282x220 mm
    with facsimile hebrew manuscript ot
  • Digital Dead Sea Scrolls
    with dds facsimile manuscripts by 4 users

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