- Center for Play Therapy
University of North Texas
with parents professionals training
- Dr. Eliana Gil
Specializing in working with abused children and their families
with abuse family professionals
- Family Enhancement & Play Therapy Center!
If you are a professional who works with children, parents, and families, then this is the website for you! You'll find announcements about continuing education workshops on play therapy, filial (parent-child) play therapy, and other child/family issues as well as ways to obtain case consultation. Our workshops are offered throughout the world. New workshops are being added regularly, so please visit again!
with parents professionals training
- Sandplay Therapists of America!
The Sandplay Therapists of America (STA) is a non-profit professional organization, whose purpose is to promote education, training and research in sandplay therapy.
with organizations professionals sandplay training
- Southeast Institute for Sandplay Studies
The Southeast Institute for Sandplay Studies is a non-profit mental health organization dedicated to the promotion of collaborative research and training in the best practice of sandplay and other play therapy techniques used with children, adolescents and adults.
with organizations research sandplay training
- The Sandtray Network
The Sandtray Network is a non-profit organization, founded to promote learning, healing, and creativity through the use of the sandtray.
with organizations sandplay
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