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  • Green Flags Project High School Edition
    Green Flag School Program – A Guide To Action – Grades 9 – 12 “A Guide to Action”, the grades 9-12 version of the Green Flag Start-Up Kit, provides schools with everything they need to get started on earning environmental awards through investigation, education, and action.  It includes tips and activities on how to form a team and set goals, how to work together with their school administration to create positive change, and how to generate media attention around their efforts.  It also includes the School Environment Survey, a comprehensive walk-through form for teams to assess their school’s environmental practices.
    By pdboyer in Public bookmarks with environmental green guide high_school investigation kits
  • Greenroof Environmental Learning Laboratory
    NYC Greenroof Environmental Literacy Laboratory will provide students empirical lessons designed to enhance science, math and aesthetic education in an outdoor observational learning space. GELL will serve as a prototype for raising public school students’ awareness of urban sustainability issues and farm-to-table agriculture. GELL’s impact promises to benefit students throughout New York City.
    By pdboyer in Public bookmarks with empirical environmental greenroof laboratory literacy outdoor rooftop space
  • Environmental Lawyer in Arkansas
    find the best Environmental Lawyer in Arkansas
    By chalmerscarver in Public bookmarks with arkansas environmental in lawyer
  • The EPA Climate Change Kids Page -- Flash Animations
    Climate Animations. Welcome to Flash Animations of Global Warming and Earth Processes. Here you will find animations of how Global Warming occurs and how it is linked to the Carbon and Water cycles. To view these animations, you will need to have Macromedia Flash Version 5 or higher.
    By pdboyer in Public bookmarks with climate_change cycles education environmental fun processes simulation
  • Environmental Quiz
    The environmental quiz was developed at the University of Minnesota in 1991 for use in a course dealing with a broad array of economic, social, and environmental issues. Since that time, the quiz has been taken by thousands of college students across the United States and by a number of other groups including teachers, high school students, boy scouts, community leaders, and forest products industry employees. Results show a pervasive pessimism, revealed by the fact that students, as well as a surprisingly high percentage of others, consistently indicate environmental conditions to be worse than they really are. Respondents also consistently demonstrate a shocking level of misinformation about forests and domestic forests in particular.
    By pdboyer in Public bookmarks with environmental minnesota quiz
  • Ecological Footprint Education
    Footprint Education The Ecological Footprint is a powerful tool for introducing the concept of sustainability to students. Redefining Progress has applied the Footprint to a number of resources for educators to help students understand environmental impacts of their lifestyles. Kid’s Footprint The Bobbie Bigfoot Quiz is a fun, interactive way to introduce the Ecological Footprint to young people. The site includes lesson plans for science and social studies classes at the elementary and middle-school level. Lesson Plans Five simple sustainability lesson plans can be easily integrated into K-12 classrooms. Training Manual Access
    Ever wondered how much “nature” your lifestyle requires? You’re about to find out. The Ecological Footprint Quiz estimates the amount of land and ocean area required to sustain your consumption patterns and absorb your wastes on an annual...
    By pdboyer in Public bookmarks with ecological ecology environmental footprint lifestyles resources sustainability by 3 users
  • Learner Guidelines from NAAEE
    Learner Guidelines Excellence in Environmental Education Guidelines for Learning (K-12) Excellence in Environmental Education Guidelines for Learning (K-12) (revised 2010) provides students, parents, educators, home schoolers, policy makers, and the public a set of common, voluntary guidelines for environmental education. The guidelines support state and local environmental education efforts by: * Setting expectations for performance and achievement in fourth, eighth, and twelfth grades; * Suggesting a framework for effective and comprehensive environmental education programs and curricula; * Demonstrating how environmental education can be used to meet standards set by the traditional disciplines and to give students opportunities to synthesize
    By pdboyer in Ecology with education educators environmental excellence expectations learner
  • National Environmental Education Foundation | Home
    The National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF) provides knowledge to trusted professionals who, with their credibility, amplify messages to national audiences to solve everyday environmental problems. Together, we generate lasting positive change. NEEF partners with professionals in health, education, media, business and public land management to promote daily actions for helping people protect and enjoy the environment. Through our primary programs - Classroom Earth, National Public Lands Day, National Environmental Education Week, Business and Environment, Earth Gauge(r) and Health & Environment - we offer Americans knowledge to live by. See also
    By pdboyer in Public bookmarks with education environmental foundation resources
  • Bottled Water Versus the Environment Case Study: Questions and Concerns of Pure Water or Pure Hype in a Bottle
    Students use problem-based learning strategies and techniques to develop findings and make recommendations, along with preparing a press release in this case study. This case study explores the environmental effects associated with the production, consumption, and recycling related to bottled water. Students learn about state and federal regulations associated with the extraction of ground water and its potential impact on the environment, identify potential safety hazards with drinking water, and become aware of the economic and ecological costs of drinking water that has been bottled.
    By pdboyer in Public bookmarks with case_studies environmental pbl problem-based_learning recycling strategies water
  • National Environmental Education Week | Service Learning
    Service-learning and environmental education share many basic goals. At their best, both engage students in experiential learning that results in student-driven action to improve their communities. Studies* show that both service-learning and environmental education improve students' sense of achievement, increase their academic success (including standardized test scores), and help to develop their problem-solving and leadership skills.
    By pdboyer in Public bookmarks with action education engage environmental experiential service-learning

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