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  • Green Flags Project High School Edition
    Green Flag School Program – A Guide To Action – Grades 9 – 12 “A Guide to Action”, the grades 9-12 version of the Green Flag Start-Up Kit, provides schools with everything they need to get started on earning environmental awards through investigation, education, and action.  It includes tips and activities on how to form a team and set goals, how to work together with their school administration to create positive change, and how to generate media attention around their efforts.  It also includes the School Environment Survey, a comprehensive walk-through form for teams to assess their school’s environmental practices.
    in Public bookmarks with environmental green guide high_school investigation kits
  • General Chemistry Online: Construction Kits
    Construction Kits let you assemble problem solutions, chemical formulas, chemical equations, and other chemical objects piece by piece or step by step. You'll need Macromedia's free Flash Player to use them. Flash Player comes pre-installed with most modern browsers, but if you're using an older browser you may need to download Flash Player here (version 6 or better is required).
    in Public bookmarks with chemical chemistry equations flash kits problem simulations solutions

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