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  • Free! Icons at MaxPower
    The list below represents some amazing work by various artists who have made their work available to the general public for a variety of uses. These icons are all free. There are literally hundreds of websites that will sell you icons that are royalty free for whatever purpose you desire. However, royalty [...]
    The list below represents some amazing work by various artists who have made their work available to the general public for a variety of uses. These icons are all free. There are literally hundreds of websites that will sell you icons that are royalty free for whatever purpose you desire. However, royalty [...]
    design free iconos icons opensource png webdesign
    in Freebies with amazing artists freebies general list represents various work by 21 users
  • Pointless Sites - Useless Sites -
    The definitive place for perfectly pointless websites...<BR>&nbsp;<BR>We aim to list here only pointless and useless sites that; are completely pointless, don't have pop up/under ads or too many ads in general, are original, useless, are not offensive (we are not sure if <A href='' target=_blank>Pinguin extreme</A> (penguin extreme) has crossed the line!) and most of all make you smile - family friendly fun!<BR>&nbsp;<BR>Also known as useless site
    The premium portal place for passionately purple pointless websites...<BR> <BR>We aim to list only pointless and useless sites that are; completely pointless, don't have pop ads or too many ads in general, are original, useless, are not offensive and most of all make you smile - family friendly fun. (we hope that <A href='' target=_blank>Pin
    pointless sites useless
    in Fun with aim fun list nbsp perfectly place pointless websites by 4 users
  • Vampire Myths in Fiction
    A comprehensive list of vampire mythology and how those myths apply to popular fiction. Useful for gamers, authors, mythology buffs, or just plain bibliophiles.
    in Mythology with apply fiction gamers list mythology myths popular vampire

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