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  • Pointless Sites - Useless Sites -
    The definitive place for perfectly pointless websites...<BR>&nbsp;<BR>We aim to list here only pointless and useless sites that; are completely pointless, don't have pop up/under ads or too many ads in general, are original, useless, are not offensive (we are not sure if <A href='' target=_blank>Pinguin extreme</A> (penguin extreme) has crossed the line!) and most of all make you smile - family friendly fun!<BR>&nbsp;<BR>Also known as useless site
    The premium portal place for passionately purple pointless websites...<BR> <BR>We aim to list only pointless and useless sites that are; completely pointless, don't have pop ads or too many ads in general, are original, useless, are not offensive and most of all make you smile - family friendly fun. (we hope that <A href='' target=_blank>Pin
    pointless sites useless
    in Fun with aim fun list nbsp perfectly place pointless websites by 4 users

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