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    The wiki has been reorganized to make it easier for you to navigate.  Please check the sidebar to see the pages you can upload to.  They are organized by system and topics.  Please upload your items to share under the page it make the most sense.  Do not simply click the upload files link in the upper left of this page.  You will need to also insert a link to the file once you are on the correct topic page.  We will organize by page. 
    in Public bookmarks with anatomy cooperative physiology teaching wiki
  • Biology in Motion
    Cartoon Mini-Lectures - One-page biology cartoons with explanations: Intestinal Gas Enzyme Characteristics Receptor and Signal as "Lock and Key" Organize-It: Learn biology terms by dragging and dropping to show category relationships. Includes terms from a growing list of biology topics. Version 1.2 - Features include a "Shuffle" button to focus your learning, and the ability to bookmark a quiz. Evolution Lab - Do-it-yourself evolution! Use this humorous but powerful simulation tool to test the effects of selection, mutation and chance on the evolution of a trait. ATP and Energy Storage - Find out why eating lunch really is like "recharging your batteries." Fat Digestion and Bile - Find out why digesting cheesecake is like washing the dishes--even
    Welcome to BiologyInMotion. Original and entertaining biology animations and interactive activities, available for free on the Web.
    activity animated animation biology cartoon exercise game interactive learning motion quiz science simulation teaching test tu
    in Public bookmarks with assessment biology cartoons dragging dropping interactive_whiteboard iwb pa physiology by 2 users
  • The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine – Educational GAMES
    Educational Games - The Nobel Prize in Medicine; examples: * Blood Typing * The Cell and Its Organelles * Control of the Cell Cycle * Diabetes and Insulin * DNA - The Double Helix * The Ear Pages * Electrocardiogram * The Genetic Code * The Immune System * Malaria * MRI * Pavlov's Dog * The Split Brain Experiments * Tuberculosis * Vitamin B1 Readings * DNA - RNA - Protein About the Nobel Prize * Short about the Nobel Prize * Alfred Nobel's Life and Work About the Educational Outreach Program * Read about the Educational Outreach Program
    in Public bookmarks with biology games great medicine nobel physiology prize science

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