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  • Creating a Star Rater using CSS » Blog » Komodo Media
    Web and Web Application design company, Rogie King, Komodo Media aims at creating beautiful websites paired with powerful programming methods using JavaScript, Macromedia Flash, and Server Side programming. As a one man show komodoMedia focuses on good communication as the heart of its relationships with its clients. Rogie King is a over-caffienated work horse and loves what he does way too much. He relies on old-fashioned work ethic and a passion for new technologies.
    This is my first contribution to the CSS loving community. So, many of you have seen a blog. Many of you have seen comments and reviews on sites such as Netflix and Amazon. Most of these reviews, as in Amazon's case or Movies, as in Neflix's case come with a handy dandy rating. I've even seen the star rating system used at Many of these solutions may use JavaScript or just
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