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  • Birds Musical Preferences

    Image: Ohio State University <P>Some sparrows, a new study finds, are remarkably picky about which songs they sing, showing a clear preference for melodies sung by birds of the exact same feather. Indeed, Douglas Nelson of Ohio State University reports in today's issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that male mountain white-crowned sparrows (r
    in Science > Ethology with birds ethology musical preferences science
  • Sleeping Birds Sing

    Image: DANIEL MARGOLIASH/ University of Chicago Sometimes the best way to deal with a problem is to sleep on it. That approach appears to be employed not only by people but by songbirds as well. Indeed, according to a report published Friday in the journal Science, zebra finches may very well rely on sleep in order to rehearse their songs.
    in Science > Ethology with birds ethology science

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