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  • Quintessential Player » Play, Rip, Manage and Enjoy your music
    feature rich media player for Microsoft Windows. It supports all popular audio formats including MP3, WMA, Ogg Vorbis, and CDs. QCD is highly skinnable and has a robust plug-in architecture.
    in Public bookmarks with cool mp3 music player video
  • | Songbird Media Player
    Songbird is a desktop media player mashed-up with the Web. Songbird is committed to playing the music you want, from the sites you want, on the devices you want, challenging the conventions of discovery, purchase, consumption and organization of music on the Internet.
    in Public bookmarks with application desktop media music player web xul by 5 users
  • ToxTox :: Home
    ToxTox is an Open Media Browser / TV 2.0 Platform. Just sit on your couch and watch all your favorite Internet content. It's Free, Extendable and in development. Based on Mozilla , VLC and Open standards like RSS , OPML and XMPP . digg_url = '';
    in Public bookmarks with application desktop internet media mozilla player tv web xul
  • TPlayer The Site
    TPlayer is a free music player and mixer for mp3, wma, ogg, and wav audio files. TPlayer's main features are: Adjustable Automix Settings based on audio data to adapt to different music genres. Four different Automix sort options. One click manual mix and fade out options: Cut, Fade 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10 seconds. Dual independent players with real time Vu meters or Waveform display and Peak indicators. Hierarchal explorer like Songlist grouped by artists, albums and songs. Drag&Drop Playlist Editor: reorder, save and load playback sequence. Multiple sound cards support for pre-listening on monitor speakers or headphones. Play, Pause, Stop, To Monitor/Master speakers and Set Start/End position buttons. Volume, Balance, Crossfader, Pitch and Seek slider bars. Ch
    in Public bookmarks with application desktop freeware mixer music player

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