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  • Tikkun
    We are an international community of people from many faiths and traditions who are calling for global democratization, economic justice, and individual freedom in the context of new structures of work, caring communities, democratic social and economic arrangements, and families, that foster generosity and trust, and loving relationships. We seek to influence public discourse, discourse in politics, in the universities and school systems, in the media and the world of publishing, in our corporations and in our governmental bodies, and within the liberal and progressive movements, in ways that get them to understand the centrality of love, open-heartedness, compassion, generosity, awe, wonder, non-violence, and spiritual dimensions of life. Our internati...
    We are an international community of people from many faiths and traditions who are calling for global democratization, economic justice, and individual freedom in the context of new structures of work, caring communities, democratic social and economic arrangements, and families, that foster generosity and trust, and loving relationships. We seek to influence public discourse, dis
    in Media with community democratization faiths global international media people traditions

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