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  • AskApache - Arp Stuff
    As for packet crafting.. props for learning about this vital aspect of comp. sec. keep learning about packet crafting. Check out the tools isic and sing… Learn all about OS identification from a remote locale, learn all about ICMP. Also check out fir
    Question: can i arp poison a MAC which is not in my LAN or Network? What about double-encapsulation? Like embedding the arp within something else.. I'd study the wire capture for awhile and use tools like isic and hping3 to see what types of rules are in place... Then you can always try random weird protocols like a different vlan header on the packet or something...
    in Public bookmarks with arp hacking arping security spoof spoofing port scan network
  • Bypassing VLAN Security
    There isn’t much vlan info on the net in terms of specifics and I had to learn all about it because I needed to log in to a switch that was on a different vlan. Impossible? No it is really easy after the research.. It was beautiful when I finally got t
    Bypassing VLAN security on network devices
    ettercap ifconfig vlan vlans
    in Public bookmarks with vlan virtual lan spoof mac ifconfig vconfig

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