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  • DRM and Digital Music: A Market Finds New Life as Entrants New and Old Shake Up Business Models | ABI Research
    [ABI Insight] The music industry has come a long way over the past decade; from the days of radio and tape, the options available to the masses today have redefined the landscape on which the industry thrives. The availability of portable devices, wide penetration of broadband, and the move towards online distribution has made life infinitely more complex for labels and their partners. Digital technology has created an opportunity for media and entertainment companies on one hand, but has also led to issues such as piracy, electronic theft, and copy protection. Facing the brunt of piracy, media companies began offering content through online stores wrapped in the DRM envelope. As conceived by the user community, DRM does not deny access to content, b...
    with abi decade industry insight music past radio seminar

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