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These are the public entries for this link:

  • 3 Keys to Unlocking a Pest-Free Rental Property
    Keeping your rental property pest-free in warm weather is imperative. A systematic approach can prevent costly damage and protect the health of tenants. This is the season to be vigilant.
    By kevinrights in Public bookmarks with pest-free-rental-property
  • Get Ready for a Cobweb Free Halloween
    Halloween is almost here! For many of us that means decorating our house with ghouls, ghosts, and goblins. You may even see fake cobwebs and spider webs in some Halloween décor. However, you do not want real cobwebs in your Halloween decorations. While fake spiders may be a fun and funny part of Halloween, real spiders can be quite dangerous. You do not want them lurking around, especially when kids are going to be going door to door.
    By kevinrights in Public bookmarks with cobweb-free-halloween
  • Have You Found Termites in Your Home?
    So, you think you may of found termites in your home? Well you're not alone! Termites attack about 1 in every 3 homes in Australia, causing millions of dollars in structural damage every year. With that said, termites can be very easy to manage through correct termite treatments and termite management solutions.
    By kevinrights in Public bookmarks with termite-treatment
  • Termite Dos and Don'ts | What Issues Do Termites Create?
    It is impossible to overstate how big of a threat termites are in Australia. They cause billions in damage each year. Estimates vary, but some studies suggest that as many as 1 in 3 homes in Australia have some termite activity each year. Because of the damage that they do, they can be thought of as the most serious pest problem we have in Australia.
    By kevinrights in Public bookmarks with termite-treatment
  • Preparing for Spider Control Treatment
    At Flick we pride ourselves on providing the highest quality pest control services. However, you have the power to make our services even better. By taking some steps before we come for a spider control treatment, you can make the most out of the pest control. Working together, we can get you the best results, keeping your home free from annoying and potentially dangerous pests.
    By kevinrights in Public bookmarks with spider-control
  • Why Do Rodents Thrive in Winter?
    Have you ever noticed that you are more likely to see rodents inside in the winter? While rodents, like most other animals, do their best in warm weather, they are hardy animals. If they can find a warm place to live, they do great over the winter. Not only can they survive, but they can also have babies. That means that if even a single mother rodent makes her home in your house or business, you can quickly have a winter rodent infestation.
    By kevinrights in Public bookmarks with rodent-control

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