Search tips

  • Dropbox
    A downloadable service that allows you to sync your files on your computer with their system as a backup. This also allows you to access the files anywhere. You can also sync the files across multiple computers and your iPhone, Android, iPad, and Blackberry.
    with system:unfiled
  • Mind Mapping - Online Mind Map Software - Mindomo
    Mindomo to organize their work, solve their problems, find the next big idea and learn more effectively
    Create the best looking mind map online and share it to others. Enjoy mind mapping by brainstorming collaboratively on ideas and projects.
    with system:unfiled by 21 users
  • Soshiku
    simple but powerful tool that manages your high school or college assignments. Soshiku keeps track of when your assignments are due and can even notify you via email or SMS.
    with system:unfiled
  • TrackClass
    TrackClass helps students keep school work organized. From reminders to notes to assignments and grades, you'll be on top of your studies!
    with system:unfiled

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