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  • Adolescent Literacy Overview
    Adolescent literacy has, for many years, been a forgotten area as educators have focused their attention on early literacy, in particular, Grades K–3. However, in the last few years adolescent literacy has gained more attention as policy makers and educators realize that literacy is a critical issue even as students transition into the middle and high school settings. In a recent press release (2004) President Bush proposed the Striving Readers Initiative, a program for middle and high school students that complements the elementary Reading First program. Both the Striving Readers Initiative and Reading First are part of the larger No Child Left Behind Act (2002). [Formerly NCREL]
    with adolescent essential_components instruction leadership literacy resources
  • Journal Writing Every Day: Teachers Say It Really Works!
    Journal Writing Every Day: Teachers Say It Really Works! One of the best things about daily journal writing is that it can take so many forms. Teachers can use journal writing to meet specific goals, or the purpose can be wide open. Some teachers check journal writing and work on polishing skills; others use journals as the one "uncorrected" form of writing that students produce. Some teachers provide prompts to help students begin their writing. Others leave decisions about the direction and flow of student journals up to the students. This week, Education World talked with teachers who use daily journal writing in their classrooms. Included: Writing motivators that work from teachers who use them!
    with comprehension journals literacy thought-shot writing

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