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  • Chinese languages
    Mandarin, Cantonese, Hakka and others
    with cantonese chinese hakka mandarin
  • Chinese-English dictionary
    Ed Trager's Chinese-English dictionary. This is an AJAX-based Chinese-English dictionary, still in a very unfinished state. Hanzi (Kanji) of course. But you can also type in pinyin with or without tone marks ("mao", "mao2", mao ze dong", etc.). Or try bopomofo (there is a handy entry assistance table on the site as most people don't have bopomofo keyboard layouts. Or try English (try "net", "network", etc.). But perhaps the most interesting of all is that you can also do lookup by radical and stroke count just as you would with a traditional Chinese dictionary.
    with chinese
  • NOOJ Chinese
    The Chinese module includes: -- one set of dictionaries for the literary text Dream in the Red Chamber (with Traditional Characters): DRC-DIC.nod: covers the general vocabulary of the text DRC-GEO.nod: list of all the location names of the text DRC-PROPERNAMES.nod: list of all the characters' names of the text -- one set of dictionaries for modern Chinese (with Traditional Characters)
    with chinese
  • NOOJ Chinese
    The Chinese module includes: -- one set of dictionaries for the literary text Dream in the Red Chamber (with Traditional Characters): DRC-DIC.nod: covers the general vocabulary of the text DRC-GEO.nod: list of all the location names of the text DRC-PROPERNAMES.nod: list of all the characters' names of the text -- one set of dictionaries for modern Chinese (with Traditional Characters)
    with chinese
  • Phonemica
    Phonemica is a project to record spoken stories in every one of the thousands of varieties of Chinese in order to preserve both stories and language for future generations.
    with chinese
  • SMS in Chinese
    Chinese SMS is a Value Added Service that allows the customer to send short messages in Chinese, using Chinese input enabled mobile phone, to another mobile phone user. The recipient of the Chinese SMS must either have a Chinese input enabled mobile phone or a mobile phone that supports Chinese character display function.
    with chinese sms

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