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  • Java Content Repository
    Relational and object databases lack many data management features required by modern applications, such as versioning, rich data references, inheritence, or fine-grained security. Content repositories extend databases with such additional capabilities. The Java Content Repository API (JSR 170) defines a standard to access content repositories from Java code, and promises to greatly simplify Java database programming. This article reviews the Java Content Repository API and its open-source implementation, Apache Jackrabbit, from a developer's perspective.
    Relational and object databases lack many data management features required by modern applications, such as versioning, rich data references, inheritence, or fine-grained security. Content repositories extend databases with such additional capabilities. The Java Content Repository API (JSR 170) defines a standard to access content repositories from Java code, and promises to grea
    api content jackrabbit java repository
    with database java
  • Task-centered Software
    The humanities computing community has developed some great tools but they seem to be underused. A large segment of their target audience finds them too difficult to learn and use. This paper suggests that a significant contributing factor is the semantic gap between the specific task the user wants to do and the general functionality that the tool provides. It proposes a solution in which the developer begins with a task analysis of the work users do, and then pieces together reusable multipurpose components to construct single-purpose tools to support the various subtasks. An example is used throughout of tasks for which a lexicographer might use a concordance. The appendix gives a working demonstration of a prototype in which interactive Web documents us
    with simons software tools
  • WebDAV Resources
    WebDAV stands for "Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning". It is a set of extensions to the HTTP protocol which allows users to collaboratively edit and manage files on remote web servers.
    Central resource site for the WebDAV community.
    authoring dav distributed remote web webdav
    with collaborative editing webdav by 3 users

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