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  • CeLCAR
    The Center for the Languages of the Central Asian Region (CeLCAR) is dedicated to promoting the teaching and learning of the languages and cultures of Central Asia. CeLCAR is developing textbooks, multimedia resources, and distance language learning courses for Pashto, Tajik, Uyghur, Uzbek, and Kazakh, as well as improved teacher training in these languages.
    CelCAR/Center for languages of Central Asian Regions, Маркази забонҳои Осиқи Миёна
    asia asian broadcasting broadcasts celcar center central daily for headlines languages live media news region sources to weekly
    with kazakh pashto tajik uyghur uzbek
    Note: Also bookmarked under Turkic and Tajik.
  • Dialect map
    Based on Ethnologue and SIL surveys
    with pashto
  • LDC Pashto Harvest
    Annotated list of Pashto resources, as discovered by the LDC in one of their LoDL "harvests" (21 June 2006?)
    with pashto
  • LDC Pashto Harvest
    Annotated list of Pashto resources, as discovered by the LDC in one of their LoDL "harvests" (21 June 2006?)
    with pashto
  • Learning Pashto
    Resources for the Study of Pashto Literature
    with pashto
  • Pashto-X dictionaries
    A number of Pashto-X dictionaries, where X = Chinese, German, English... Also Pashto-English dictionaries of neologisms, computer terms, political terms etc.
    with pashto
  • Pashto-X dictionaries
    A number of Pashto-X dictionaries, where X = Chinese, German, English... Also Pashto-English dictionaries of neologisms, computer terms, political terms etc.
    with pashto

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