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    Gaming Now and 20 Years Ago
    Anonymous Coward writes "A cool comparison of video games from the same genre, the only difference is about 20 years of technical development. The Bard's tale vs World of Warcraft is really funny."...
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    Hidden Treasures in OpenOffice 2.0's Chart Tool
    Jane Walker writes "Take a tour of the multi-layered charting tools of OpenOffice 2.0's Charting Wizard, as you learn to create, edit and master the art of making a polished chart." From the article: "The chart features in OpenOffice are like a mystery-lover's dream vacation: a huge, mysterious old...
    in news > slashdot with openoffice slashdot
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    Hotmail On Your Desktop
    thomas2you writes "Microsoft has just started its beta testing on a new program, made to have Microsoft's hotmail on your own desktop according to an article on CNET. It's going to be free software, you're going to be able to manage multiple accounts and they are attempting to include the ability to...
    in news > slashdot with email slashdot
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    Firefox Extension Guide and More
    Anonymous Coward writes "A comprehensive list of Firefox extensions geared for the average power user and web developer includes description and screenshots of featured extensions. Plus Firefox Hacks and keyboard command guide. Always updated with the latest Firefox extensions, and tweaks."...
    in news > slashdot with firefox guia slashdot
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    Linux Helping Oracle
    Mr. Fahrenheit writes "CNN has a story about how Oracle's effort to port their database to Linux may be helping them to out pace IBM." From the article: "In its biennial survey of the world's largest databases, WinterCorp, a database research and consulting company, reported that Oracle dominated i...
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    Sendmail Removed From NetBSD
    Derkjan de Haan writes "Christos Zoulas removed sendmail from the NetBSD source tree, after a lot of discussion about its security track-record. Sendmail will remain available from pkgsrc." But without foo, how will we distinguish between the best admins and the mediocre? Sendmail was m...
    in news > slashdot with linux seguridad slashdot unix
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    Is Your AJAX App Secure?
    ShaolinTiger writes "An article looking in detail at some of the security problems with AJAX, how to find them and how to approach them or fix them. Security with AJAX is of course an important consideration as it's asychronous and a malicious user could write data back to your database if implement...
    in news > slashdot with ajax seguridad slashdot
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    Finding a Linux Job
    Joe "Zonker" Brockmeier writes, "Kirrily 'Skud' Robert, CEO of Netizen [and part-timefreshmeat appindex maintainer], gives Linux job-seekers a few tips on landing a job with a Linux-friendly company. Netizen is an Australian Open Source and Internet training and consultancy company." It's a fun rea...
    in news > slashdot with slashdot trabajo
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    20 Must-have Firefox Extensions 2007, marzo
    An anonymous reader noted that Computerworld is running a story on the 20 must have Firefox extensions. Several of my favorites are in there so I'm looking forward to playing with the ones I haven't heard of....
    in news > slashdot with browser extensiones firefox recopilacion slashdot
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    Tech Sector Expansion Blunting U.S. Job Outsourcing
    xzvf writes "BusinessWeek summarizes a new report from the American Electronics Association (now known as AeA) that they think mitigates the effect of outsourcing on IT employment. US demand for tech workers is through the roof, the highest it has been since the boom of the late 90s. The tech sector...
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